There has been so much said in the song on this page as to what the meaning is. I guess everyone has their own meaning for it. I do as well.
My meaning is simple. I hope you experience all there is in life to experience. I Hope you always have a very full life, full of love and happiness, and I hope forever, you have someone that loves you compeltely and unconditionally. |
Life can bring us so many things as we travel through this world of uncertainty, but one thing I Have found out, I am a better person from loving you, and I know my soul is much better for you loving me.
Though we have not ended on the path I saw and so wanted us to be on, you made the choice not to throw away what was there before you, the obligation you had, and tear apart the family, just to be with me. I admire you for that. A hurtful thing, yet it was what had to happen. I wouldn't ever have wanted you to be any different, for that's the man you are. |

It was never your intention to hurt me. I know that. But then I could never understand how you could share with me who you really are, and what you truly want to experience in life, and the very next moment, completely turn your back on me without even so much as "Goodbye".
Some are blessed to have love in their lives, some may even find love more than once, but most of us in life take what we get and live with it. I never did that with you. I adored you. I put you up so high, you had to look down to see heaven. You were 1 in a million to me. You were the only love I ever needed or wanted in life. |

You try so hard to be what society has said all men must be, strong, and never showing weakness. However, I have seen inside the man you are. You are soft and loving, giving and understanding in all things in life. You have fear, you can be hurt, and you can suffer pain in your very soul.
But you have another side as well, a side that I didn't see in the beginning, a selfish, unforgiving side. There is a side of you that allows you to make choices you may not have made in the right circumstances. You can freely walk out of someone's life without ever saying a word to them, something that I don't feel you understand has lasting affects. |
I hope the one in your life realizes just what you have sacrificed for them, what you have put yourself through, just to see your obligation through. And I hope someday you find the love you so deserve. |
You always seem to take the easy road to certain things.. I always took the road that led me to you, to your heart, and to your soul. The problem is, there were so many obstacles in the way, I fell at nearly every step.
Now I am walking around those obstacles in my efforts to walk a new path that leads me away from you. Away from the hurt and the pain, and maybe if I am truly blessed, into a new life where I can freely say " Yes I loved you, I would have given anything for you, I gave my soul to you, and now I am taking it back and forever protecting it". |
In all that happened, I still wish you the most perfect life you can have. May you forever be happy. And may I Forever be strong enough to keep walking and dancing my soul to healing.... |