How far will one go for another?  I think
that question has been on the minds of
anyone ever in love since the beginning
of time.
I know its been on my mind since that
first moment you walked into my life
and caused this pain.

How easily It seemed for you to just up
and walk away so many times, never
telling me anything, never giving me a
chance to say anything.  Just one day
you would be gone, never looking at
what you could be doing to me.
I use to say I've had enough, I won't go
through this again.  But every time you
would walk away, you would reappear
once again in my life, and soon I would
find myself right back where it all began.
No matter how strong I thought I was,
you were my only weakness.  No one has
ever had this much power over my soul,
to make me fall in love all over again, as
you were able to do.

You would tell me you weren't gone, I
was always there with you, even when
you couldn't be here.  For the longest
time that was enough to make me hold
I finally was able to be strong enough to
tell you I wanted more, and I wouldn't
settle for anything less.  But was I really
ready to make such a stand with you,
the man I seemed to live for?  Was I
ready to say: I can't live this way any
longer and something has to change ?

At the time, no, I don't think I was.

But every time you would come back,
talking to me about meeting once again,
filling my heart and my soul with your
sweet words again.  That just made me
melt all over.  But that meeting never
came.  There was always a reason it
would fall through, and you would be
gone yet again.
I wondered: does he even care if I am
here or not, and how do I make him
understand how much I love him and
what I would do for him?

Each time you came back into my life
you were different.  You started sharing
your emotions and feelings with me
less and less.  It was such a sad, hurtful
time, and each time you came back I felt
the distance between us.  It would
cause such pain in me that you never
said  "I love you" any longer.  That was
the worst of it all.  But was it because  I 
was letting go, or was it you no longer
being able to say you still loved me, 
because you didn't?
It doesn't matter what it was.  All that
matters is that it allowed me to come to
the place where I now am.
I want more, and I will not settle for less
any longer.
I can't allow you to hurt me anymore.  I
won't allow you to come back into my
soul, only to crush it once again.  I have
to be strong now.  I have to use all the
control I have to stand up and say: if
you love me, then you have to tell me. 
If you want me, then you have to tell me.

So I am going to do the one thing I
vowed never to do.  I am, for the first
time, walking away.  I am letting go.  I
have to do this for me, for us.  Until you
are able to tell me what you want, share
with me again, and love me again.
It's up to you now how far I walk and
how long I am gone.
If you don't want me then let me go.  If
you do want me, then don't let me go,
but understand, I can't do this again.  I
can't give more than I receive any

Will this be the ending of us?  No, I
don't think so.  Because in all reality,
we ended when you walked away from
our love that first time, and stopped
trying any longer.

Forever, a part of me will wait for you. 
I Can't help that, but I can't allow this to
continue.  I have to be strong.  I have to
know:  Do you love me ?

How far are you willing to go ?