All my life all I have ever known is how to hide, how to hide from the hurt and pain of life's ups and downs, hide from the heartache, and the deep hurt that love can bring.
Then you happened along. I never for a moment hid from you. I was always there, so open and unprotected. I never for a moment even thought that I would need to hide to protect myself from you. Not you !! The love of my life. how can I ever hide from you? |
But you couldn't be here with me in this life. You had another life and I wasn't in it. Yet, you're still here with me every day. Everywhere I look, everywhere I go, everywhere I hide, you are there, as if to haunt me forever, telling me in some way, you will always be the love of my life, always here in some form or another.
It seems everywhere I turn, every song I hear, every movie I see, you are there standing, smiling that sweet smile of yours, holding your arms out, as if to tell me to run to them and you will wrap my soul in them to protect forever.

But the true, cold facts in this life is, that every time I would allow myself to open up, and allow you back in my life, you would do that same thing again. I would end up just hurting more each time you walked away.
How do I learn, now, to run and hide from the only person in my life I could never find the strength to hide from?
I use to think if you let me go I could do it. I could be strong enough to turn away, this time. But the truth is, no matter where I go you are already there. There is no place for me to hide, not from you. You're every where, your presence surrounds me every day. |
Whereever I go in this life, you will forever be there, in my heart, my soul, and in my dreams.
Everyday I will cry tears for the love I shared with you, that was never meant to be. |