Forever Your's, what does that mean anymore ?  How can we give ourself so completely to another forever ?

I believe these are things people search for their entire lives, always wanting, hoping, praying.  And now I believe they never truly find it.  Forever, what is forever ?

It's a brief moment in time that we feel as if there is ONE we are destined to be with, and its perfect.  It's wonderful, it's beautiful, and in the end, it was nothing.

Just as we seem to be now......
Love, what is love ?  I use to believe
that to meet and fall in love was the
greatest joy on earth, the most precious
gift we could have ever received, and
even more precious to give to another.

Now I feel as if its a weight around our soul that forever hurts.

You did this to me, you made me give
up on love, us, you, me, and the
everlasting soul-deep love that comes
along once in our short lifetime.
I dreamed of us today, of the way we use to be.  The love we seemed at the time to share, was overwhelming, and
so very real.

I couldn't ever have asked for more than what we were sharing together.  It was such a brief moment in time for us, yet now I look back, and it seems like an eternity that we shared.  Forever entangled together we shall be.

You gave to me the hope of love, the hope of truth, and the love that makes forever, or so it seemed.
I found everything I had ever waited for, and was so joyous that it seemed at the time so simple and perfect.

When in fact, as I see it now, as I see how things were, it wasn't perfect.  We weren't perfect.  It was the most imperfect love ever to be shared within two souls.

It was something that I feel now, was for you, a convience.  When the real life
was hard for you.  Yet, at every turn I was there, standing strong, and
allowing you to walk in and out, without ever considering that I was allowing the power of the soul within me to be tatered and torn apart, piece by peice, with each hello.
You hurt me.  You took what I was
freely giving with all the "me" that I am, and took it from my soul, and only pulled it out and used it as you saw fit, never seeming to care what you were doing to me, to the "us" that was here, and to the "forever" we promised each other someday.

You've touched me in so many ways that I believe that we are forever tangled together within my soul.  We shall never share the bond we once had.  We shall never know the real truth in life, but forever you will only be entangled
within my soul, my life, my very being.
But forever, I use to beleive in the
"forever of love".  Now I just wonder, what is forever?