No matter how I ever tried to always
hide, always trying to protect my heart
from being broken, I could never hide it
from you, and in turn, you were the only
one that was able to crush it beyond
repair for another.  How I feel I have
missed out on so much of life because
of the love that consumed my very
You, just you, is all it took to consume
my very being.  Such simpleness in life
is another human that can come into
our lives and fill us so full we have no
room left.  That's you, that's what you've
done to me.
But you weren't doing it to give to me
the most wonderful gift of love; you
were doing it as you saw fit.  You never
saw how desperately I loved you, how I
would have gone to hell and back, if
I was only in your arms.

I feel as if I have walked the earth over
twice, just to prove to you how I loved
you, what I would do for you, and how
far I would go and how long I would
wait for you.  But it didn't matter to you
in the end.  The cost of this love began
to be so high that it has finally taken all
I have.  I can't give anymore.
I am like everyone else in this life there
is a limit to anything, but with you there
was none. I never had any boundaries
or limitations to what I would do, or how
far I would go for you.  Now in my life I
have to set those boundaries and
limitations.  What a hard thing to try and
do, for every time I come to you, I have
to pull my soul so hard its as if I am
yanking it directly out of my body.  I
have to protect it.
You will do nothing but take me back to
the place.  I would do anything for you,
and I know in the logical world, that you
will do as you have done so many times

Just use me for a short time, and then
toss aside the destiny we both vowed
was here" someday" for us.

The time we shared will forever be
engrained into my soul, but the hurt
always overshadows that most precious
love you once gave to me.